Friday, January 15, 2016

First post: Declaration of Intent

Here I am, in front of the proverbial blank sheet of paper (well, actually a screen, but the effect it is the same).

The decision to open a blog on this topic was in my mind since at least several months, if not more. Now, in this 2016, I put this blog among other good intentions/goals for this year. So, again, here I am!

In my first post I would like to declare my intentions, both in terms of what I'll write about and how often.I would like to:
  • write about the automotive industry (but I do not exclude "guest posts" on other industries),
  • providing the results of my own analyses on publicy available data
  • or linking and commenting analysis and articles from other people,
  • with at least two posts per week 
  • for at least the full 2016
This sounds quite straightforward, but I wanted to put down my objectives, mostly for myself. However, as they are now online, this becomes also a public commitment.

Now, time to think about the first few posts...


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